Black History Committee Oral History Project

Black history committee Oral History Project

Creator Archives and Manuscripts, Thomas Balch Library
Description These interviews deal with segregation and integration as well as black community life, including schools and churches.They deal with the civil rights movement, including Irene Bobich and Gladys Jackson Lewis, who discusses Leesburg Integration in the 1950s
Call number M012
Date from 1950s
Date to
Geographic school Leesburg, VA
Access restrictions yes/no
Access restrictions
Part Of larger collection yes/no
Larger collection title
Repository Thomas Balch Library
Repository address 208 West Market Street, Leesburg, VA 20176
Repository contact name
Repository contact title Archives and Manuscripts
Repository contact email
Repository contact phone (703) 737-7195
DoveRegion region6
Subjects o    African American churches

o    African Americans–Civil rights

o    Carmichael, Stokely

o    Civil rights movements

o    Leesburg (Va.)

o    School integration

o    Segregation in education

Types o    Interviews

o    Photographs

o    Sound recordings

o    Transcripts